Online Coaching FAQ

How does online coaching work?

An online lesson, or swing analysis, simply requires the student to send two swing videos and a photo of their grip. After those are submitted in the Skillest app, your coach will respond with videos analyzing your swing and drills to work on.

There's no need to schedule a meeting time in-person or on Zoom. The lesson is a back and forth conversation between student and coach, similar to text messaging. It typically takes about a day to receive feedback and instruction from your coach.

What are the benefits of an online lesson or swing analysis?

Online lessons allow for incremental progress, making small changes at a time that are more sustainable in the longterm.

They provide students and coaches more flexibility because it eliminates the need to schedule a meeting and travel time. It also allows students to connect with instructors anywhere in the world. As long as the student can record videos and photos of their swing, an online lesson can be done.

Online lessons also provide both students and coaches a digital record of previous lessons, creating a journal of a students development that can be revisited at any time.

What benefits does a coaching plan provide?

A coaching plan allows for an on-going and unlimited conversation between the student and coach. In this approach, the student would send swing videos and photos at any time, as often as they need, and the coach would respond with a swing analysis and drills each time.

Students can choose from a monthly or yearly plan.

What is Skillest?

Skillest is an online platform that allows students to connect with instructors in a fast, convenient, simple way. There is a smartphone app that students can download where swing videos and photos are submitted, coaches respond with instruction videos, and text communication can occur.

Still not sure? Have more questions?

Schedule a free consultation with me by clicking the link in my Skillest profile.